City planners in South China are laying out plans to create a massive new city that will be, hands down, the largest in the history of the galaxy. By merging 9 cities located around the Pearl River Delta the new monster-city will cover a huge portion of China’s southern manufacturing center that accounts for about one tenth of the Chinese economy. How big you ask? Great question. 16,000 square miles with a population of 42 million. Just to put it in perspective.
- 52 times the size of New York City and more than five times the population
- More people than live in Wyoming, Vermont, North Dakota, Alaska, South Dakota, Delaware, Montana, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Maine, Hawaii, Idaho, Nebraska, New Mexico, West Virginia, Nevada, Utah, Kansas, Arkansas, Mississippi, Iowa, Connecticut, Guam, The U.S. Virgin Islands, The Northern Mariana Islands and American Samoa combined
- Nearly twice the population of Australia
- 26 times the size of London
- 3 million times the population of my High School Class
I don’t mean to sound ingnorant (as in, I don’t MEAN to, I just DO) but isn’t merging cities just rearranging everything… or renaming it… or re-organizing it? Kind of like everyone from your high school class and the 3 million students in surrounding high schools saying they all go to the same high school, just via their own satellite schools?
amazing, but I think is a matter of time till the empty places in our maps are filled…. we are growing and the planet has a limit.